Archive for 'Families'

Back in November I spent Veteran’s Day with the Wheeler/Amtower family. I cannot think of a better way to honor those who serve our country and communities.
Hello cute little baby Joseph.
A bod and his dog. Need I say more?!

Oh, sweet Juniper. June is now 2 years old and tall and lanky like her Momma. Such a sweet peach.
If you remember Juniper, then you may just remember this from March of 2011. This picture makes me laugh for two reasons. 1) Vivian was so FAT! and 2) Vivian was so FAT! Okay, that makes one.
Flash forward a year and a half and you get this sweet picture. I wish I had pictures like this of me and my besties through the years.
Back to the reason for this photo shoot. My good friend and fellow photographer, Lori, wanted family photos. Only one problem, Jon couldn’t make it. Well, seeing as we rescheduled once before Lori wanted to go ahead and get pictures of her and the kids. Yep, kids as in plural. Lori had a little boy named Bastian.
So sweet. Lori said it best ” This is definitely one that I (and I suspect he) will always cherish”. Mission accomplished.
I was lucky enough to have Lori capture Vivian nursing back in 2011, and they are images and memories I will cherish forever. Lori mentioned that she regretted not having nursing photos of Juniper and I wasn’t going to let that happen again.
I’m going to get you, June!
Lori’s request. Photos of putting June’s hair in piggy tales. In midst of the day to day rush, it’s nice to remember the small things you enjoy with your children.
Belly Button!
Kisses and hugs! Love you Swadley family!

I first met Mary & Brinton about 2 years ago when they were newly engaged and planning their wedding. I remember Mary’s inviting smile and Brinton’s charm. We were soon chatting like old friends sharing excitement for the upcoming wedding. The rest is history. You can see their engagement photos here and wedding photos here.
You can only imagine how excited I was when Mary contacted me about setting up both a maternity and newborn session. I am truly honored to share these amazing moments in peoples lives. And truly thankful for all of the friends I make a long the way.
The maternity session didn’t end up happening due to doctor ordered bed rest and crazy work schedules at the hospital (Mary and Brinton are both ER physicians). But we both knew the newborn session was a MUST. I just wanted to cuddle little Emma the whole time.
Those are definitely Gerber lips.
The sweet little headband was Mary’s garter.
I love the new parent smile.
Daddy’s and their baby girls warm my heart. Every little girl needs a picture like this.
Every child deserves a picture with their momma like this.
There is something about this image that I can’t stop looking at. The simpleness, Brinton’s smile in the background, the day to day event of changing baby’s clothes….it’s everyday life. And those are the moments that matter most.
Three generations.
Cuddles with her uncle.
Babies never seem to know what to do with those pesky arms in the way. I think of a bunny hopping when I see this.
Toes! nibble, nibble.
Wait a minute…is Emma trying to tell me something? hahahaha. I love you too Emma.
Love you three! Thanks for the honor of allowing me to capture your life’s precious memories.

Oh, Amy. Where to start?! I cannot even remember how many times I’ve photographed your sweet family. I do know I’ve gotten good at bribing your kids and hopping like a frog. ha! I love you and your sweet family.
Bribe#1. If I can take a picture of you and mom, then you can take a picture with my camera. Success.
I want a picture like this with my Dad.
This is reminiscent of an earlier place and time. ha. I think I am holding Charlotte..little peanut.
Lane, how old are you? Wait a minute…that cant be right. You are almost 4!?
Okay, quick think of another bribe already!
Get ‘er Lane, get ‘er!
Okay, fine. We’ll do Mommy and Daddy pictures for a few minutes.
Can you say RAWWWWRRRR!
Look at that smile!? Gah, I love it Tommy!
Bribe #2. I’ll come play thomas the train and baby’s with you when we’re done. Success. Well, sort of. I got the stare down from Charlotte.
Death stare……
It started raining just as we finished. And you know what rain and sunshine brings, right?!
Life is full of decisions. Sometimes it includes dancing in the rain.
Somebody wanted us to know he was watching and he liked it. It’s like he’s smiling over us.
Back to the house to full fill my promise. Charlotte told me great story.
Lane was more interested in taking photos of me. I think he needs his own camera.
Love you all to the moon and back! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

Meet Hayden, 3. She is a little miracle baby.
Meet Mommy and Daddy, Becca and Matt. Becca is Jess’s sister. Mat and Becca are both Frederick city police officers.
Gah! Those lashes!
and those BIG, beautiful eyes!
Beautiful couple. I have not photographed them since their wedding in 2009.
another Favorite! yes, another. I’m allowed.
I am totally going to do this story no justice, but I will try. Hayden was born VERY premature. And as you may know the March of Dimes is an organization founded on helping premature babies. Becca’s tatoo is a memorial to her daughter and the ribbon on the bird is the March of Dimes ribbon. See, I did it no justice.
Favorite. Yep, #3.
And favorite #4. Love it to the moon.
Much love friends,

Tim, Jess and I go way back…like back to junior high school. We are still good friends and every year usually over a play date or dinner Jess says “I need to get on your calendar!”. Sure thing beautiful momma. Then, Jess proceeds to dance around with an ear to ear smile for the next month until her session date has come. hehe
Meet Aubrey. She is Vivian’s bestest buddy. So cool that our little girls are only 6 weeks apart in age.
Jess said she wanted colorful! I think she got it! I love it.
Hello, gorgeous.
You two are the cutest. This image says “L.O.V.E”.
Hello, handsome.
Such a beautiful little family.
Kylee loves modeling for me. And I love taking her picture.
Future tumbler for sure.
Watch out, Daddy. She is going to be a heart breaker.
Jess, you are beautiful. I think I tell you this every time I take your pictures but it bears repeating.
Love you!! Miss you bunches! Mwah! Smooch! Cannot wait to see you on Sunday!
Much Love,
Robin, Jason and V!