Archive for 'Info'

Here’s your last chance for those holiday pictures you need for your cards! Join me at Gaver Farm in Mt. Airy, MD to play among the Christmas trees! These are 20 minute mini sessions for $200.
To reserve your desired time now! click here

Come join me taking in the spirit of the holiday season during the Chiristmas in Shepherdstown festivities. The lights, hot chocolate, decorations, and laughter will fill the streets with the spirit of Christmas. And don’t forget about Santa Clause!
Email me at to set up your session today!

Hello, friends! Not sure why it has taken me so long to realize I need a FAQs page. Maybe I like responding to the same emails over and over and over. Or maybe not so much. I have FINALLY created a FAQs page. Check it out. And please if you can think of other common questions or have some suggestions, let me know.
Also, my pricing is right on my page as well. I have spelled it out here and you can build an estimate, request an estimate and initiate a booking here.
And here is a little preview of what’s coming up on the blog! Zenovy & Angela: Engaged!
Much love,