Archive for 'Personal'

It’s no secret. I LOVE ice cream. And at the moment specifically frozen yogurt from Sweet Frog. Apparently, V gets more than just looks from me.

Some times the words just escape me. And sometimes words can never describe your anguish and grief. Today, it’s both.
Sweet Marra. We love you FOREVER.

If you know me personally or perhaps you follow my Facebook page, then you may already know that I have a day job. Yes, it’s true. Photography does not support my family single-handedly. I have been an accountant since graduating college with a degree in Accounting & Finance in December 2005. I came upon photography in 2008 while planning my own wedding. At this point in my life, there are a few things holding me back from being a full-time photographer but I will leave that for another day. Right now my photography business gives me an escape from my daily life. A full day of reminiscing about romance or a couple of hours catching up with a family I watch grow. I love every aspect of it. And right now I sure wish I had more time to be behind the lens. But that is just not the case. You see I am studying for the CPA exam. For those who don’t know that is a professional abbreviation for Certified Public Accountant. I feel as though I need to finish what I started and make my degree worth something even if I don’t plan to use it my whole life. And who knows if I will, I leave every option open at all times. Circumstances could change in life, and I am okay with that. I am open for change when it is for the better. But for right now, circumstances say get your CPA and support your family but still have fun capturing precious memories.
The reason for this long winded memoir was to give you a little insight into my day to day life. Please forgive me if my blogging is not as regular as I hope. I am busy with my head in a book studying for the biggest exam of my life.
Here’s a picture from my birthday weekend to Snowshoe Mountain Resort. It was a multipurpose trip. A great birthday get away and a location for a snowy, cold engagement session. Stay tuned for those pictures. I am super proud of them.
This pictures was actually taken in Cass, WV because we were enjoying our “umplugged” mountain vacation so much we forgot to take pictures. Oops! We have wonderful memories though.

Vivian’s first trick or treating experience last night! She had so much fun. Hopefully, next year she will want to be something scary like mommy. Free costumes are the best! Thanks Sasah! I’ve had this pumpkin costume for two years waiting for Vivian to be old enough to walk around herself. Although, I’m still hiding the candy. hehe

It’s time to clear out the old gear that’s been sitting unused for ages. Contact me at if you are interested in any of the items.
#1 Shootsac w/baroque cover. $125
I only used this bag for about a month. I needed something bigger. This bag is great for non-wedding sessions when you don’t need a whole bunch of gear. It is made of waterproof neoprene and is super stretchy. You can buy different covers that are interchangeable. They are held on by a velcro strip.
3 pockets in the front hold 2 lenses comfortable and one camera body.
3 snap closer pockets in the back. I used these for my water bottle, memory cards and flash.
#2 Canon Backpack $20
I used this for a little while as well but shows no wear and tear. Looks new.
Velcro dividers make it easy to make the compartment fit each lens or camera body snug.
#3 Tamron 17-35 2.8-4 w/UV filter (Canon Mount) $300
Very lightly used as it was replaced by a different lens very quickly. I fell in love with prime lenses and have not looked back. This is a great wide angle starter lens. It includes a Tiffen UV filter that I purchased separate.