Archive for 'Personal'

I want to be able to look back at pictures of J and I when we are old and think “Damn, we were hot!”. I know I remember looking through old photographs of my Grandmother and thinking “Wow, she was so pretty when she was young”. When I’m 80, I want my grandchildren to know what I looked like at 28. Far too often we don’t have any pictures of us as a couple but rather us as a family. So, I wanted to make sure we documented our love through the years. One of our close friends, Jennifer, from Tiptoe Studios was kind of enough to oblige. And let me tell you just how much I love these photos….L.O.V.E. love love love them. They are exactly what I wanted and needed. I cannot thank her enough.
Now, on with the pictures.

I know I am HORRIBLE about regular blogging. So, here’s to making new goals and STICKING to them! Truth is I was blogging last night when my computer went crazy on me. Thank goodness for the Geek Squad. I am now good to go back to blogging away tonight. For now, here are some things you may not know about me or care to know for that matter.
I was a ballet dancer.
I like to pick my boogers. They feel gross in my nose.
I like the soreness after a good workout.
I sing very loud everyday on my way from work. It’s therapeutic.
I am mostly gluten free.
I am the youngest of 3 girls.
I am terrible about returning phone calls but text or email anytime. Sigh.
My husband calls me a tree hugging hippie and I like it.
I laughed so hard once that I peed my pants.
I am a stickler for recycling, cloth bags, cloth diapers, organic everything and conserving.
I believe in standing up for yourself. And if not, then shut up and stop complaining.
Happy Friday!
Check me out on Facebook for more constant updates.

Baby Carl, as he is referred to at least by me, is a teeny weeny little bundle of perfection. The first weeks come and go so quickly and babies change so fast. I had to capture his itty bitty stage.
I think he is saying “please no pictures. your camera is noisy.”
Cousins Vivian kisses. and for those wondering. No, I don’t want another….yet. If anything, this made me not want another for a long while. I don’t know how you momma’s do it.
that is definitely a Baby Carl smile.
The many faces of Baby Carl.
The tender moments with mom.
Love you Baby Carl! Kisses!

Welcome Carleton Scott Howell! Born May 22, 2012 at 11:14pm weighing 5 lbs. 12 oz. He is just a tiny little peanut. Here is his birth story as told by me, his auntie.
We very impatiently awaited the news of whether baby Howell was a boy or a girl.
So, Dave came to announce……it’s a……!
Brenna (big sister) was hoping for girl to play with. And as daddy Dave put it “She will still be the only princess in the house”. Brenna was not so happy about that. It’s a BOY!
Grandpa Carl, Uncle Dan and Daddy. love this.
Big yawn.
Very alert.
Love this.
Welcome to the world Carleton. Auntie Robin loves you, cousin Vivian cannot wait to snuggle you and you may just give Uncle J baby fever.

Grace or Leah as many of you know her is one of my best friends and happens to be my big sister. As if you couldn’t tell, we are related. I cannot even express how happy I am for her and Dave. I cannot wait to meet my new niece or nephew. That new baby smell…yum! Oh, and I will get my baby fix. Love you to the moon and back! Keep that baby in there until Sunday when I come back to civilization please.
Vivian enjoyed rubbing Auntie Grace’s belly.

I’m still here! A little down time to re-prioritize my life. I will soon be juggling studying (CPA exam), photography, and a day job. It should prove to test my every limitation. But this is something that needs to be done to ensure my future and my families future. I have been putting this off for a long time! I started and did not finish the exam back in 2006. Here goes nothing!
No worries I will still be photographing and blogging away just maybe at a slower pace. I have been day dreaming about all my ideas for upcoming sessions. I need to get my ideas out of my head! I am jumping at the bit to pick up my camera. I am booked through most of June and I am very limited in October due to weddings, etc. Email me at if you are interested in scheduling a summer (July/August) or late Fall (November) portrait session.
Be on the look out for some new stuff this month! Yay!
I leave you with my little sweat pea “The Garden Helper”.