The Demmons family are regulars on the blog but just in case you haven’t been introduced meet Kevin, Emily, Wyatt and Chloe.
I’ll give you one guess how old Chloe is….Oh , and V and Chloe have the same birthday.
When I first met the Demmons, it was just the three of them.
ummm…so we need to do a shoot with just the two of you. Just sayin’.
Chloe aka “Bug”.
Momma lovin’.
Tell me the name of this bridge and receive a 25% discount on your photo session (excludes weddings).
It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are always Mom’s baby.
The Chloe monster is going to get me!
And I love you too Chloe!
We stopped for some ice cream afterwards. Mmmmmm…
This kid cracks me up!
I seriously cannot get enough of these kiddos. They didn’t want me to leave. And I would have stayed all day to play if I could. Love you all!