I’m still here! A little down time to re-prioritize my life. I will soon be juggling studying (CPA exam), photography, and a day job. It should prove to test my every limitation. But this is something that needs to be done to ensure my future and my families future. I have been putting this off for a long time! I started and did not finish the exam back in 2006. Here goes nothing!
No worries I will still be photographing and blogging away just maybe at a slower pace. I have been day dreaming about all my ideas for upcoming sessions. I need to get my ideas out of my head! I am jumping at the bit to pick up my camera. I am booked through most of June and I am very limited in October due to weddings, etc. Email me at robin@robinday.net if you are interested in scheduling a summer (July/August) or late Fall (November) portrait session.
Be on the look out for some new stuff this month! Yay!
I leave you with my little sweat pea “The Garden Helper”.