After the ceremony was over, there was literally 15 minutes of light left. We hurried through family portraits and had a remaining 2 minutes of sunlight. So, we hopped on the golf cart and worked fast, really fast. Well we went as fast as the golf cart would go, but we missed the sunset. Oh well, it was great anyway.
Shannon really wanted pictures with one of the bridges.
Notice the moon?
It was still quite windy.
haha…stand on your tippy toes, chet! so funny
sometimes it pays to turn around.
The handsome groom.
My hilarious jokes….er, wait…I think it might have been Chet’s joke?
Haha, Chet! you are holding Shannon’s flowers and didn’t even put up a fight! rock on! you are whipped.
My personal favorite.
The moon is high. The sea is deep.
They are great snugglers.
Um, Shannon? Are you under there? Just a word of advice to all future brides. Your made/matron of honor or mother or whomever MUST go with you to your final fitting and have the seamstress teach her how to bustle your gown. Otherwise, this happens. Or I do it for you and you don’t get awesome pictures like this. 😉
V giving Chet some luvin’.
Remember V just learned to walk 3 days before this picture. AND she was already dancing!
Wait for it. Wait for it…
Bet you weren’t expecting this!
Full moon…perfect ending to the perfect day.