Posts Tagged 'MD Photographer'

I have been photographing this family for 6 years! Love you all! This year we had Grandma & Great Grandma! I see where Carolyn gets her light blonde hair from now.

Oh my goodness. How precious is Gabriella?! She is the prettiest baby maybe ever. She is 10 days old in these pictures. What a sweet time to capture and hold near to your heart forever. These days pass by quickly but turn into memories we hold dear to our hearts. Congrats to you, Alan and Crystal! She is perfect.
I hope I have the honor of seeing Gabriella grow through the years.
Much love,

Oh sweet baby Mani. Have I mentioned newborns?! And right now as my daughter is now 3 1/2 I really love them espeically when they are other peoples’ babies. Ha! I want another child but man those sleepless nights for months and years. Oh but wait. Isn’t he so so cute? And he smells so yummy, too. It’s like a magnet for me. I just want to hold and squeeze them all! Lucky for me I have two newborn shoots coming up in the next week and a half. Yeah! You can see Mani in his beautiful Momma’s belly here.
Such a proud Daddy.
Oh, that little smirk! I could eat him up.
Oh, please. No pictures now. Nice try cute little man.
Kisses from your furry brother.
Hello, Mani.
Love this everyday moment.
And this everyday moment is so angelic.
I love the new parent smiles here.
Daddy has magical sleepy baby powers.
All those Moms out there. Remember the itty bitty stage where they just laid on your chest all day long and you never wanted to move?! yes, this is that moment forever captured. Love love love.
Much love,

Oh this family! Where do I start?! I’ve been photographing you for 4 years?! Yes?! Wowzers. I am so lucky to call you a friend, Amy. One of the things I love the most about photographing people is making friends. The kind of friend that is for life. Love you sweet friend.