Posts Tagged 'Shepherdstown WV Photographer'

I have been photographing this family for 6 years! Love you all! This year we had Grandma & Great Grandma! I see where Carolyn gets her light blonde hair from now.

A mother and her babies…I mean teenagers. They’ll always be her babies. Michelle and I used to pump the iron together at Catoctin Crossfit! Come back Michelle! We miss you! How about that beautiful red hair! Gosh, I am jealous of Kenna’s hair.

Oh my goodness. How precious is Gabriella?! She is the prettiest baby maybe ever. She is 10 days old in these pictures. What a sweet time to capture and hold near to your heart forever. These days pass by quickly but turn into memories we hold dear to our hearts. Congrats to you, Alan and Crystal! She is perfect.
I hope I have the honor of seeing Gabriella grow through the years.
Much love,