Archive for 'Families'

Here’s your last chance for those holiday pictures you need for your cards! Join me at Gaver Farm in Mt. Airy, MD to play among the Christmas trees! These are 20 minute mini sessions for $200.
To reserve your desired time now! click here

While we were in our favorite place, Great Guana Cay, Abaco, back in July, I just had to snap some photos of James and Joshua. They are 3 months old in these pictures. They were born at 4 lb 6 oz and 5lb 6 oz. Chet & Shannon were married in Great Guana Cay.You can find wedding photos Part 1 and Part 2
James on the left. Joshua on the right.
Vivian and James.
I think Jason is attempting to sleep. lol Its a passel of babies!
tickle tickle
Multi-tasking…what moms do best, especially Moms of multiples.
Helter Skelter! Jamesy boy
Can you tell them apart, yet?
Hands down FAVORITE!

Oh my goodness. How precious is Gabriella?! She is the prettiest baby maybe ever. She is 10 days old in these pictures. What a sweet time to capture and hold near to your heart forever. These days pass by quickly but turn into memories we hold dear to our hearts. Congrats to you, Alan and Crystal! She is perfect.
I hope I have the honor of seeing Gabriella grow through the years.
Much love,

Meet Monica, Dean, Michael & Gabriel (in the belly). It’s been a while since I photographed this family. Michael was just a newborn. Now, he is a big 3 1/2 year old. We do see him regularly; typically at the grocery store on Sundays. lol We both obviously live by ritual. I was ecstatic when I saw Monica at the grocery store with a baby belly! Here’s Gabriel still in the belly and stay tuned for his newborn pictures coming up in just a few days!
I love this photo…Monica is so happy and it’s everyday happenings. Sometimes the best picture is the completely unscripted, spontaneous photo. And that is what this is.
And this one is how you get Daddy’s who don’t like pictures to smile and have fun. Oh and that sunset was amazing.
Thank you for your friendship Monica. Mwah!
Much love,

Oh this family! Where do I start?! I’ve been photographing you for 4 years?! Yes?! Wowzers. I am so lucky to call you a friend, Amy. One of the things I love the most about photographing people is making friends. The kind of friend that is for life. Love you sweet friend.