Archive for 'Families'

I don’t think this sweet family needs an introduction but just in case…meet Gary, Christi, Natalie and Carolyn. We met up at SUNRISE! Yes, sunrise. My favorite time of day for pictures. I mean look at this light!
tickle, tickle
red head, brunette, and a blondie
and this one too
much love Smith fam. mwah!

Meet Frank, Jess, Jamilee and Julianna. Such a sweet little family. Jess had one request for her birthday before Frank left for Africa for a year. Jess, I hope these pictures help you cope with Frank’s absence. It makes me tear up just typing it. You are a strong woman, and I admire your strength.
High fives mom!
Daddy and his girls.
Jess’s one request. The bond between mother and baby makes me melt. It also makes me miss that special time that Vivian and I shared.
Free. Free as a bird!
Much love, Jess. Big, big hugs and kisses. I think about you often. This year will be over before you know it. Hang in there.

Come join me taking in the spirit of the holiday season during the Chiristmas in Shepherdstown festivities. The lights, hot chocolate, decorations, and laughter will fill the streets with the spirit of Christmas. And don’t forget about Santa Clause!
Email me at to set up your session today!

Meet my sister, Carina and her family. They live in Perth, Australia.
My sister, Carina, lives in Perth, Australia. I would move there if I wasn’t such a chicken to leave my friends and family. It is a beautiful place live. J and I say we’d move there a lot. But the truth is we have some family who would be very upset if we moved their only Grandchild to the other side of the World!
Anyway, my sister was visiting the states for some time in July and asked that I take a few pictures. This was the FIRST time I have taken pictures of them.
You see the first picture above? Yes, that started it all. Then, this happened.
And this. RJ true personality.
I was a little nervous…okay, fine. A LOT nervous because well you see Luke is quite the artist with his camera. He has held his OWN exhibitions and won numerous awards for his photography.
Good thing he likes the artsy stuff. Sun flare coming at ya.
Don’t’ the kids look thrilled?!
My favorite. The Grandpa monster was doing disgusting things above my head and poor RJ was hiding.
Apparently, there’s another monster! Watch out!
As requested.
So who’s having more fun?
It was hot and sticky. But we had to get a couple of just Carina and Luke. Who knows what evil thing Carina did to evoke this laugh from Luke but it’s awesome.
See this image below? Now, scroll down.
As soon as I saw this photo while editing, I instantly thought about the one below from about 15 years ago. They look the same. Mind the weird scanned color.
Love and miss you tremendously! See you in 2015 if not sooner!

The Demmons family are regulars on the blog but just in case you haven’t been introduced meet Kevin, Emily, Wyatt and Chloe.
I’ll give you one guess how old Chloe is….Oh , and V and Chloe have the same birthday.
When I first met the Demmons, it was just the three of them.
ummm…so we need to do a shoot with just the two of you. Just sayin’.
Chloe aka “Bug”.
Momma lovin’.
Tell me the name of this bridge and receive a 25% discount on your photo session (excludes weddings).
It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are always Mom’s baby.
The Chloe monster is going to get me!
And I love you too Chloe!
We stopped for some ice cream afterwards. Mmmmmm…
This kid cracks me up!
I seriously cannot get enough of these kiddos. They didn’t want me to leave. And I would have stayed all day to play if I could. Love you all!