Archive for 'Weddings'

Emily and Jeremy were married in September in Shepherdstown at a private farm steeped with history. Their celebration was one of love and friendship. The most laid back wedding and enjoyable wedding. Thank you both for the honor of capturing your wedding day.
In the world of iPhone’s, paper and pen still mean more.
Mama Nibert keeping everything organized.
Poor Emily fell in her wedding shoes at rehearsal the night before and had a pretty black and blue ankle. No worries though Emily simply wore a more comfortable pair of Tom’s.
Beautiful lace…need I say more. Classic beauty.
Emily and Jeremy had one of the best first looks. EVER.
Then, it was time to see Grandma. Such an emotional time. I was in tears, too.
Emily had thought of EVERY detail.
Nice play on words Emily!
Married! It’s about time!
The shoes didn’t last long. Barefoot is definitely the way to go.
Quick back story. Emily had her Grandmother’s ring but accidentally dropped it in the grass. Then, all of her guest immediately started scouring the grass for it.
Found it!
Love this picture of Emily. Her smile lights up the night sky.
I love the first dance.
Beautiful sunset.
The newlywed game is always fun.
Congratulations! Much love,

Kerstin and Seth were married at Linganore Winecellars on July 7th. It was a scorcher but they were troopers.
Kerstin and her mom share an embrace.
We hid the little bit of shade we could find.
Thankfully, there was a breeze which felt great.
You ladies were amazing. I felt like one of the gals. Um, three pregnant bridesmaids. yes, that’s right. Three! And they didn’t complain at all!
Oh, yes. Seth wore his black suit in the 100+ degree weather. He worked it out, too!
Don’t mind if I do. It was the perfect cool down on that hot day.
Love this.
I love how Seth looks at Kerstin.
This little guy was too cute.
We disappeared inside the wincellar for a little relief. The temperature was perfect. I remember the employee saying “I don’t know why you would want to take pictures in there. It’s pretty ugly.” Well, to me it’s full of texture and pretty amazing.
Kerstin’s dad made the wine corks and her family in Germany who just so happen to be goldsmiths made their wedding rings! What a talented family.
A little video chat from Afghanistan.
We snuck back out for a few minutes during dinner after the heat subsided a little. Too bad the clouds covered up the sunset.
Um, wow!!! Seth can jump!
Thank you for allowing me to share in your wedding day! It was an honor.

I am forever grateful for my clients and their referrals. It is after all how I meet most of my clients. I am forever indebted to all of you. Tim and Kristi were no exception and I knew right away we had a connection. Tim and Kristi were married at Thorpewood in May. Thorpewood is a great location near Thurmont. If you are planning a summer wedding when the weather tends to be HOT, Thorpewood is a great place. It is located in a little pocket of cool air in the mountains/woods.
I met up with Kristi at Thorpewood just in time to capture her putting her dress on.
Corset backs always make outstanding picture moments.
Meet Tinkerbell, the ring bearer and Tim and Kristi’s first born.
I have not seen these before but I LOVE them. They served dual purpose as walkway lighting at the reception.
I love this part. Tim, your expression says it all.
Melt my heart. Melt my heart.
Kristi, you’re smile lights up a southern sky.
The pine cone Cathedral is an amazing location for a ceremony. Seats made out of trees cut in half. Shade of the pine trees. Its perfect.
Thorpewood’s lodge is very rustic and full of texture and charm.
Bring it girls!
that color. Apple slice. you are welcome.
Poor little guy. he was exhausted.
Kristi, being crafty, painted the design these hurricanes. So clever.
Everyone rally around the bride and groom.
A lovely ending to a lovely day. Congratulations you two. you know you are more than clients. You are friends even if it is only on Facebook in between photo shoots. I look forward to capturing many more memorable moments in your lives. Much love friends.

After the ceremony was over, there was literally 15 minutes of light left. We hurried through family portraits and had a remaining 2 minutes of sunlight. So, we hopped on the golf cart and worked fast, really fast. Well we went as fast as the golf cart would go, but we missed the sunset. Oh well, it was great anyway.
Shannon really wanted pictures with one of the bridges.
Notice the moon?
It was still quite windy.
haha…stand on your tippy toes, chet! so funny
sometimes it pays to turn around.
The handsome groom.
My hilarious jokes….er, wait…I think it might have been Chet’s joke?
Haha, Chet! you are holding Shannon’s flowers and didn’t even put up a fight! rock on! you are whipped.
My personal favorite.
The moon is high. The sea is deep.
They are great snugglers.
Um, Shannon? Are you under there? Just a word of advice to all future brides. Your made/matron of honor or mother or whomever MUST go with you to your final fitting and have the seamstress teach her how to bustle your gown. Otherwise, this happens. Or I do it for you and you don’t get awesome pictures like this. 😉
V giving Chet some luvin’.
Remember V just learned to walk 3 days before this picture. AND she was already dancing!
Wait for it. Wait for it…
Bet you weren’t expecting this!
Full moon…perfect ending to the perfect day.

In November, I had the awesome opportunity to travel to Great Guana Cay, Abaco, Bahamas to photograph my boss’s wedding. If you aren’t familiar with me or are new to my blog, I have a day job as an accountant. I have been working with Chet for 5 years and was there the day Chet found Shannon on Then, the next day I heard all about their first date. So, needless to say I have been there since the beginning.
Anyway, I was more than elated when Shannon asked that I accompany them to Great Guana Cay to photograph their wedding. In June, we all went on a company retreat to Great Guana, and we were super excited to be heading back to share in this joyous occasion.
We arrived a few days early and spent some time hanging out.
Vivian learned how to walk while we there. In fact, it only took 24 hours! She had some encouragement from her idol, Parker.
hanging with Daddy…sharing goldfish.
Here starts the morning of the wedding….
I had no idea what “143” meant until Shannon told me. Do you know what it means and where it comes from?
Yep, that’s me the hairstylist, make-up artist and don’t forget photographer! J took this photo for me. Thanks hunny!
Her hand form a heart…thought that was cool.
Chet’s mom, Bonnie, is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met.
Headed to the ceremony on the islands only form of transportation and waving to Vivian.
Did I mention that V was a flower girl??? thank goodness she learned to walk 3 days before!!!
chet loves V like an uncle. so sweet.
Short story about the ceremony location. It was originally on the beach. However, and that is a big HOWEVER, the tropical storm off the coast destroyed the beach and pavilion just two days before. I mean literally destroyed. The weather was quite ominous while we were there really. We saw too many rainbows to count. It rained more than it had in 20 years. But it all worked out and the ceremony was held on the seaside protected by a building with no wind. And the sunset was amazing.
In the Bahamas, they have you sign the marriage contract in front of everyone during the ceremony.
Love this <3. chet’s parents.
Clearly, V thought it was all very exciting.
I thought it was odd that the minister stood in the middle with back to us the whole time. Made pictures, well interesting.
I thought for sure he would move for the “kiss” but no such luck. Move Mr.!
Stay tuned for part II