Posts Tagged 'Charles Town Wedding Photogrpaher'

I have been photographing this family for 6 years! Love you all! This year we had Grandma & Great Grandma! I see where Carolyn gets her light blonde hair from now.

Oh sweet baby Mani. Have I mentioned newborns?! And right now as my daughter is now 3 1/2 I really love them espeically when they are other peoples’ babies. Ha! I want another child but man those sleepless nights for months and years. Oh but wait. Isn’t he so so cute? And he smells so yummy, too. It’s like a magnet for me. I just want to hold and squeeze them all! Lucky for me I have two newborn shoots coming up in the next week and a half. Yeah! You can see Mani in his beautiful Momma’s belly here.
Such a proud Daddy.
Oh, that little smirk! I could eat him up.
Oh, please. No pictures now. Nice try cute little man.
Kisses from your furry brother.
Hello, Mani.
Love this everyday moment.
And this everyday moment is so angelic.
I love the new parent smiles here.
Daddy has magical sleepy baby powers.
All those Moms out there. Remember the itty bitty stage where they just laid on your chest all day long and you never wanted to move?! yes, this is that moment forever captured. Love love love.
Much love,

Kati and Chris were married in September on Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland. Jason came along as well for some fishing. It was such a heart felt time. Thank you, your family and friends for making us feel like family. We had a great time.
Kati made her bouquet about 45 minutes before the ceremony and it was perfect.
REAL buttons!
holy cuteness…love how the girls are looking at Troy. And those headpieces were handmade by a lady on Etsy.
Troy watching Momma and Daddy trying to figure out what’s going on…love.
Kati, you are beautiful inside and out.
My favorite!
Oh, yes. Some fun with the tilt shift lens.
Kati and her Grandma…gosh I love this so much. the relationship you share is very special.
And another favorite.
Your friends were so much fun!
so much emotion in this photo. Kati’s Great Aunt Joyce.
Look who managed a photo with Kati! J took one of Kati and I but it wasn’t in focus! Figures. he sure does know how to steal the show. I did mange and iPhone picture with Kati. hehe
Much love you two! Mwah!

Angie and Zenovy were married at Gervasi Vineyard in Canton, Ohio. It was a beautiful Fall day. Gervasi has amazing Villas fit for Kings and Queens. They are full of Italian flare and lots of natural light.
Does this look like the Cinderella carriage or what?! Don’t answer just agree.
I was touring around the grounds the morning of the wedding and found this gem of a spot. I don’t need manicured lawns. I want overgrown with lots of character. Yes, thank you Gervasi.
Angie’s surprise for Zen was a picture with his baseball gear. Zen used to play baseball but injured his arm. I sure hope this meets your expectations Angie!
Zen’s brother playing the violin.
Thank you two for allowing me to capture everythign from this angle. I love beign able to see your loved ones in the background. I still chuckle at the fact that your pastor didn’t move even though he said he would. I kind of wedged him out of the way. lol It still turned out okay.
I loved singing country roads with you at the end of the night. I had a blast. Your friends are great Angie and I felt like I’d known everyone for years. Much love and admiration. Mwah mwah mwah!