Posts Tagged 'WV Wedding Photographer'

Oh my goodness. How precious is Gabriella?! She is the prettiest baby maybe ever. She is 10 days old in these pictures. What a sweet time to capture and hold near to your heart forever. These days pass by quickly but turn into memories we hold dear to our hearts. Congrats to you, Alan and Crystal! She is perfect.
I hope I have the honor of seeing Gabriella grow through the years.
Much love,

Oh, sweet baby Gabriel. That newborn smell. That newborn sleepiness. The cuddles. Yes, I do love it all.
how funny is that expression?
Mother/baby bonding time. Something I know Monica will cherish forever.
I previewed this image on my Facebook page. It really encompasses the everyday happenings and to me is the most cherished memories. Sure, anyone can create an idealistic image of a baby sleeping. But this is real life.
Big brother Michael don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you.
We didn’t forget about you either puppy.
Grandma snuggles.
Cross my heart

Angie and Zenovy were married at Gervasi Vineyard in Canton, Ohio. It was a beautiful Fall day. Gervasi has amazing Villas fit for Kings and Queens. They are full of Italian flare and lots of natural light.
Does this look like the Cinderella carriage or what?! Don’t answer just agree.
I was touring around the grounds the morning of the wedding and found this gem of a spot. I don’t need manicured lawns. I want overgrown with lots of character. Yes, thank you Gervasi.
Angie’s surprise for Zen was a picture with his baseball gear. Zen used to play baseball but injured his arm. I sure hope this meets your expectations Angie!
Zen’s brother playing the violin.
Thank you two for allowing me to capture everythign from this angle. I love beign able to see your loved ones in the background. I still chuckle at the fact that your pastor didn’t move even though he said he would. I kind of wedged him out of the way. lol It still turned out okay.
I loved singing country roads with you at the end of the night. I had a blast. Your friends are great Angie and I felt like I’d known everyone for years. Much love and admiration. Mwah mwah mwah!

Angela and Zenovy met up with J and I at Snowshoe Resort back in January. It was COLD! I mean like -4 plus a wind chill. Brrrrrrrr! These two were such troopers. We started off inside their villa.
Those cheek bones! Gah. You are gorgeous Angela.
Then, we headed outside into the cold. Aren’t the bushes neat looking coated with snow and ice?!
Yes, it really looked like that. Snow was swirling and whirling about everywhere in your face.
I must have done a funny dance. lol
Angela and Zenovy don’t ski or snowboard but we just had to.
Hello Handsome!
Then, we headed inside for a quick coffee to warm up.
The day before I saw this amazing barn on the way up to the resort and knew we had to use it.
Work it Zenovy!
I love my clients. Will you sit in the snow? Sure.
Much Love friends! I sure hope you consider asking me to travel with you to Ohio! 😉

Hello, friends! Not sure why it has taken me so long to realize I need a FAQs page. Maybe I like responding to the same emails over and over and over. Or maybe not so much. I have FINALLY created a FAQs page. Check it out. And please if you can think of other common questions or have some suggestions, let me know.
Also, my pricing is right on my page as well. I have spelled it out here and you can build an estimate, request an estimate and initiate a booking here.
And here is a little preview of what’s coming up on the blog! Zenovy & Angela: Engaged!
Much love,